My Lesson Plans

"Plans are nothing; Planning is everything."
-Dwight Eisenhower 

Here is my detailed Lesson Plan for Supply. 

Here is my detailed lesson plan for Interaksiyon ng Demand at Suplay

Here is my detailed lesson plan for: Paikot na daloy ng Ekonomiya


Here is my semi-detailed lesson plan for: Pambansang Kita

    My lesson plans are made in detailed lesson plan format, semi-detailed format and it’s handwritten because according to my cooperating teacher, I must experience the different situations in our profession like writing lesson plan in Lesson plan notebook and in detailed format. In my first made lesson plan, my cooperating teachers correct everything that seems to be wrong but for me it’s okay because we must accept failures and set those wrong or failures to be a guide.
It’s hard to construct a lesson plan because it takes time to write, to plan, setting the objectives, setting the activities for motivation and evaluation and graphing the lesson proper but lesson plan is like the blueprint of the engineers, we do build the dreams of the students by planning what will be the right teaching strategies, approaches, methods and right objectives for the lesson and we build their minds as they prepared in their future life.



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