Summary of experiences in my Cooperating School (GNVHS)

"A thousand teachers, a thousand methods"
-Chinese Proverb
Here is my daily summary of experiences in Guiguinto National Vocational High School.
Activities/ Experiences
techniques observed
October 3, 2017
World Teacher’s day Celebration

Appreciating the efforts of the teachers through conducting a teacher’s day celebration.
October 11, 2017
Class discussion:
Direct Instruction, Collaborative approach about the Factors affecting the supply, Socratic method in lesson proper, brainstorming, Teacher-Centered approach because the topic is more focused on the computation of supply function and elasticity of supply, learner-centered approach because the students do the computation in their activities, make a graph of the supply schedule and determining the type of elasticity, graphic organizers, and summative assessment like recitation and quiz.

I used Chalk, board and visual aids for the supply schedule and supply graph, I used lapel speaker because one of the sections I’m teaching is located at the roof top on one of their buildings.
Most of the students learned on how to construct a supply graph by completing the supply schedule through supply function and they can determine if the answer in elasticity of supply is elastic, inelastic or unitary.

I learned that I must spend more time discussing the computation of supply function and elasticity of supply because the students find it hard to do and I must base the activities on their learning capacity and I must use lapel in one of my sections because their classroom is located at the rooftop of a building and there is no walls only grid steels and located beside recreational center.
October 11, 2017
Class discussion:
Mga Dinastiya sa Tsina
Direct Instruction, Socratic method in lesson proper and generalization, teacher-centered approach because the students didn’t have an insight in information’s or facts about the Dynasties in China, inquiry method on how does the contribution of the dynasties have an impact in our present times, summative assessment like recitation.

I use chalk, board and visual aids I made about the dynasties in China and I used pictures to make the students visualize the people and the infrastructures.
Most of the students learned on how the dynasties contribute to our society today, the students feel amaze because of the information’s I have given about the Great Wall of China, Terracotta Warriors, Oracle bones, Printing press, Grand Canal and about the life of Genghis Khan.

I learned that I must not do the Student Centered approach if the topic is all about giving the facts because most of the students didn’t have an insight about the historical facts of the Dynasties in China but the questions can be relating the current situation to the situations in the dynasties in China or situational questions.

October 12, 2017
Foot Spa demonstration of Grade 8 students for their Cosmetology subject

It’s a great experienced because one of the grade 8 students invited me to be their subject for their cosmetology class.
as I observed the school is focuses to produce highly skilled students because of the skill programs or subjects for the students.
November 16, 2017
Class discussion:
Paikot na daloy ng Ekonomiya
Indirect Instruction because it’s situational, the students master the lesson based on their summative assessment because most of the students passed the quiz,  Socratic method, student-centered approach, graphic organizers for the 5 models of economy, discovery approach on how the different markets, government, bahay-kalakal and sambahayan have relationship.

I used chalk, board and visual aids specifically graphs of the 5 models of economy.
The majority of learners master on how the 5 models of economy works and understand the relationships of different markets, the government, bahay-kalakal and sambahayan.

As I observed and analyze, the students easily learned the lesson because of the visual aids and graphs, also the power of repetition also helps the student to understand the topic, most of the students passed the quiz and have high grades.
November 29, 2017
Final Demonstration Teaching:
Konsepto at palatandaan ng Pambansang Kaunlaran.
Indirect instruction because the students have mastery on the lesson through performance (tableau), collaborative approach has been used in motivation activity, graphic organizers, inquiry approach by discovering their roles for the development of our nation,  Socratic method, recitation Student-Centered because the learners do analyze and interpret the lesson, values clarification or values oriented on how the students will contribute to our society, brainstorming, the students performed tableau, summative assessment.

I used chalk, board, visual aids for motivation activity, power point presentations, LCD projector, LCD Projector white screen and speaker for generalization.
The students learned their roles in our society because of the tableau presentation of each group, the students has built their self-confidence because of their performance. They have the confidence to share their insights about the topic.

As I observe and analyze my presentation, I didn’t encourage the students to raise the voices of the presenters, I didn’t encourage the other students to share their insights, the students has been mold their sense of nationalism because of the values oriented nature of the final demonstration.
My final demonstration is successful and it’s serves as my motivation to strive and to become an effective teacher someday.
December 5, 2017
Class discussion:
Pambasang kita
Direct instruction because the lesson focuses on the computation of 3 approaches on how to get the GNP and GDP, Socratic method, student-centered approach has been used because the learners can do computation to get the GNP and GDP, graphic organizers like charts and summative assessment.

I used chalk, board, visual aids, graphs and charts.
Most of the students understand the lesson because of the power of repetition, it can also see that the students learned based on their summative assessment, most of the students has good result on their quiz.

As I observe and analyze, the students easily understand the lesson because of the visual aids or graphic materials. I used the power of repetition because the students didn’t like computations so they mastered the lesson through repeating on how to get the numbers of GNP and GDP.

December 8, 2017
Tree planting program
Collaborative approach and values clarification
The volunteers valued the nature and create a sense of camaraderie in each other because they love what they are doing, as future social studies teacher, we mold our students to be effective citizen of our nation by igniting their hearts to our nation by being Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao, Makabansa at Makakalikasan.
December 19, 2017
Christmas Party, Paskong pinasaya sa Voke

It’s my first time to attend Christmas party in Public School and it was nice because the students and faculty of GNVHS collaborate for the event, they valued the sense of teacher-student relationship.


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