“Adaptation Strategies in Climate Change: Case of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan”

The researchers:
Adarayan, Jayson C.
Baluyot, Simon Emmanuel C.

Bulan, John Erickson R.
Castro, Kenneth M.
Esguerra, Christian Joseph A.
Evangelista, Romina
Francisco, Deborah
Manzano, Carl Adrian S.
Simbillo, Heidi
Yu, Paulo A.

General Problem.
            How may the people in Brgy.  Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan adjusted to the high tide?

Specific Problem.
What are the different strategies used by the residence of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan in the adaptation to climate change specifically due to high tide?

Scope and Delimitation.
            This study is an analysis of the different strategies used by the residents of the Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan in the adaptations to climate change specifically due to high tide. The respondents were limited to the residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan. The researchers used purposive sampling technique however, students, employee, businessman, government official and ordinary people were equally represented in the research.
            It was conducted on August 7 to 8, 2015 including the residents of the said community.

Significance of the study.
            This study was conducted to investigate the different strategies used by the residence of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan in the adaptation to climate change specifically due to high tide. The outcomes of the investigation are beneficial to the following:
Municipal Government of Hagonoy, Bulacan. Since the government is one of the responsible for the residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan, it is believed that this study may provide them a clear understanding at the lives of the residents of Sta. Cruz. Furthermore, they have the authority to make project that will benefit the said residence.
Non – Government Organizations. The private sector or the NGOs are the organization tie to the government in helping to the improvement of the community of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy Bulacan. The NGOs are always there to give training to the residence for them to be ready in preparation on high tide. The findings of the study can help them to look for better projects in helping the residence of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan.
Teachers. This study may help the teacher especially the Social Studies teacher to gain more knowledge about climate change in Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan. In addition, this study will help them to gather information about the present condition of the said residencies which they can use in their discussion.
People Who Are Facing the Same Problem. This study may help them to gain knowledge base on the findings of the study. They can adapt the significant findings of the study that can apply or fit to their community.
Future Researcher. Any researcher who is interested on the climate change may use this study as springboard or base in undertaking their own investigation.

Theoretical Framework.
            This study was anchored to the framework below and used the IPO Model stands for Input-Process-Output:

Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework of the study

Through some friends and assets, the researchers received much information regarding the issue of high tide and flood in Barangay Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan that inspires them to conduct the said research.
In doing the research, the researchers conducted an interview with some respondents represented by employees, students, barangay volunteers and businessmen in the said area. The researchers also made a personal, formal and informal observation to understand further the situation and create a good interpretation regarding the study.
With the help of the respondents, the researchers gained the needed facts and information’s regarding the high tide issue in Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan and served as foundation of the totality of the research.

Population and Sample.
            The total respondents of this study includes 10 locals from the residence of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan. The researchers used informal and formal interview technique, however the students, employees, businessmen and ordinary people were equally represented in this research.

Methods and Techniques of the study.
            There were different instruments and ways of collecting an information and data for this study. The method was selected on the basis of the nature of the problems and questions which sought to analyze the adaptation strategies to the changes of environment of the residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan. According to Adger, Arnell and Tompkins (2005), climate change impacts and responses are presently observed in physical and ecological systems. Adaptation to these impacts is increasingly observed in both physical and ecological systems as well as in human adjustments to resource availability and risk at different spatial and society scales. A system of gathering the data was apply and norms for the area under inquiry were established for interpretation.
            The questionnaires consist of qualitative data gathering, these instruments were used to fulfill the question. These were the formal interview, informal interview and personal observation. It helped us to finish this research study pertaining to Adaptation Strategies in Climate Change: Case of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan.
            The researchers conducted a formal interview to the selected respondents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan. The respondents were interviewed through the prepared questionnaires of the researchers.
            The researchers conducted an informal interview to the selected respondents to verify the results of the selected respondents from the formal interview.
            The researchers observed the situation of the Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan to authenticate the response of the respondents.

Findings of the study.
This chapter presents analysis and interprets the data gathered based on the general problems and specific problems.
            The findings of the study are presented in two parts. The first part describes the experiences of the residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan. The second part describes the adaptation of the residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan.
The study attempted to determine the adaptation strategies in climate change of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan.
The study sought answers to the following questions:

The high tide begins.
Before in the year of 2000, the main source of living of the residents is to plant rice (agriculture) until the time that the rice field are converted into fish ponds, it is the rationale to the reason why the flood started. The first wave of high tide begin to flow between in the month of June up to the month of August.

Effects of high tide.
They prepared themselves or anticipate the time and date of high tide. In special cases, they suspended their classes. In normal citizen they are prone to have athletes foot, dengue, and any other cases of infections and the like because of stagnant water that are remains of the flood.

Reasons why they do not leave Brgy. Sta. Cruz.
They do not have enough money to transfer to other places to establish a good life. They already establish their own living. They have stable business at Hagonoy. They did not want to leave the place due to the fact that they built strong bond with each other.

Change of locale
Majority of the respondents answered City of Malolos, Bulacan because they knew that City of Malolos, Bulacan is flood-free, near the market and convenient since all government offices are at City of Malolos, Bulacan and it is the capital of the province of Bulacan while other chose to live from Paombong, Bulacan because Paombong, Bulacan is the town next to Hagonoy, Bulacan and lastly Marilao, Bulacan because one of the respondent’s child was living in Marilao, Bulacan.

The strategies of adaptation in high tide.
The answers of the respondents are closely related to each other in terms of adapting in high tide on Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan and the results revealed that 1.) The municipal engineering have reconstructed the road to prevent flood so the tendency, they level it to the road to prevent the flood flow to their houses; 2.) In transportation, they pursue to uplift the tricycle in order to adapt to the high tide; 3.) They knew when the high tide will occur because they base it on calendar so that they can prepare early; 4.)  The researchers observed that majority of house are having second floor and even up to third floor; 5.) They use motor boats as means of transportation during high tide; 6.) They prefer to stay at their home to prevent from diseases brought about by high tide; 7.) The barangay council already prepared an evacuation plan just in case of heavy high tide; 8.) They provided a bamboo bridge to connect their house to main road; 9.) They already prepared sand bags to prevent the water to enter their houses; 10.)  They use motor pumps to drain the water brought about by the high tide; 11.)  The fishermen protected their fish pond by putting nets around it; and 12.) They exposed their children in that kind of life to be able to adapt to the scenario and teach them different ways on how to live in an area like Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan which is very prone to high tide.

Conclusion and Recommendations.
            Based on the significant findings of the study the following conclusions were drawn:
1.      That the high tide in Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan started in year 2000.
2.      That due to high tide the respondents became vigilant on the date and time of the high tide so that they can change or adjust the time for schooling due to high tide respondents are prone to diseases.
3.      That the respondents do not like to leave the place because they do not have enough money to transfer, they established their stable living in that place, and they already built a strong bond with the relatives and friends in the area.
4.      That if the respondents will be given a chance to transfer, they want to live in the City and Municipalities in Bulacan like Malolos, Paombong, and Marilao.
5.      That the residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan already adopted the situation brought about the high tide through different strategies to improve their lives.

Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations were suggested.
1.      The government, especially the municipal government of Hagonoy must have a concrete plan on how to prevent the high tide problem, not only in Sta. Cruz but in the whole town of Hagonoy, Bulacan.
2.      The municipal health office must conduct a medical mission or campaign on how to prevent diseases brought about the high tide.
3.      The Local Disaster Unit of the Barangay must continue the safety drills on the proper evacuation.
4.      And, the strategies done by the residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan may be adopted by the other barangays in order to survive in the problems brought about by the high tide.

Adger, N., Armwell, A. and Tompkins E., “Successful Adaptation to Climate Change across Scales” retrieved at http://www.sciencedirect.com/article/pii/SO959378004000901 on August 8, 2015.

Interview with the selected residents of Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan:
Cabral, Niño (worker) – 32 years old
De Lara, Jeroel (Barangay official) – 35 years old
Gregorio, Teodoro (Hagonoy Water District worker) – 55 years old
Nicolas, James Patrick (Elementary student) – 9 years old
Perez, Teodora (Businesswoman) – 59 years old
Perez, Teresa (Businesswoman) – 32 years old
Ramirez, Imelda (Teacher) – 48 years old
Raymundo, Aron (Resident) – 35 years old
Tolentino, Bea Christia (High school teacher) – 13 years old
Teodoro, Ildefonso (Baranggay volunteer) – 79 years old


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