Career Plan

For Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today
                   -African Proverb 
In few months, I will become a teacher. It has a responsibility and I must perform my duties and responsibilities as a teacher for my professional growth and I must be involved in collaborative learning experiences in a Professional Learning.
Setting a goal means that I can take steps towards improving any aspect of work life that’s relevant and specific to me, building on professional knowledge, skills and effective working practices. It takes time to achieve success in this profession and it is full of challenges, frustrations and responsibilities and as teacher, we are life-long learners.
I will keep studying my specialization not just focusing on the text book but I will explore more on the historical facts, the economics and current issues. I’ll take the Licensure Examination for Professional teachers when I’m ready, I would like to enroll at review centers. To pass Licensure Examination for Professional teachers is one of the primary goal of the most teachers because it’s the key to be named or called as a real Professional Teacher. As I passed the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers, I would like to try my luck to have a career in Junior Public High School or Senior Public High School. I will do attend seminars, training and workshops not just for the certificate itself but to be more competent and effective teacher of the 21st century. As I have experienced in teaching in the government public high schools, I would like to take units in master’s degree and finished it because it determines development in our field or profession. If I will have a chance to have a work or to teach in a university, I will grab the opportunity but it’s only my option.
To sum up my professional plan or career plan, a career development plan is a tool for setting my goals to achieve development in my profession, I can’t accomplish my goals with myself only but through collaborative relationship with my co-teachers and either my students and I must strive and to be persevere to achieve my goals, this will be the main reason that I can do achieve my goals for my profession. I’m not the only one will benefit to my development but also my students and I’ll set my goals not just for my development but also on how will my students be an effective citizens of our nation and values oriented, as I develop in my profession, my students too must have development in cognitive, affective and in their skills.
My favorite quote from Cicero, the higher we are placed, the humbly we should walk. As I succeed in my profession, I will do stay humble myself to everyone.


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